Square Roots

Square Roots: Sujan Ragunathan

Studying abroad, Films and Videography! Find out what our Junior Videographer Sujan Ragunathan, gets up to in his spare time...

First question

Where is one place you would love to travel to and why?

The dream is to get a chance to go back and visit the Schengen countries, backpack, or do a prolonged tour visiting different countries. The one country high on my wish list is Iceland - to experience the Northern lights and the landscapes in that region from what I have seen is beyond beautiful, so getting a chance to photograph that would be amazing.

Second question

You have a Degree in Engineering and a Master's in Digital Video Production and Marketing, what made you want to change paths?

From early on, I always had a camera with me and it was something I enjoyed doing as a hobby while travelling - taking photographs, printing them etc. When I went to Lithuania for my bachelor's degree, I took my camera with me just as something to have on the side to photograph and create some memories. I then joined a couple of communities and clubs at university and just started spending more time doing it as a freelance in my spare time. The transition to the video side happened naturally. Thanks to YouTube, I could learn a lot from other filmmakers and creators who were a massive influence through the years.

Then Covid happened and I finished my bachelor’s - it was then thinking about what to do next and back of my mind, I really wanted to give this a shot and see how far I could get in this creative industry. It took a while to convince my parents – I’m still not sure they are fully on board with my journey but they have been massively supportive so far, so let’s see where it goes from here.

Third question

You once lived in Lithuania, what was your favourite thing about the country?

Everything was completely new to me when that move happened. I was living in the capital, Vilnius, and enjoyed my time there. The city’s development over the years I was there was amazing to see - the culture and student community were really vibrant. I love the old town in the centre of the city too, it's beautiful, quiet, and so peaceful. The other advantage of living there was that I got to experience all four seasons properly every year.

Fourth question

We see from your social media that you are passionate about film. Who are your top three filmmakers and why?

I love filmmaking and watching new films in the cinema. Also, being born and brought up on a different side of the world, our culture and way of life are quite different. Cinema is huge there – a little like how the British feel about football and music. I am also fortunate to be able to understand and watch films in multiple languages, with my mother tongue being Tamil. In terms of favourite directors, I’ll name the Western ones whose work inspires me:

1. Christopher Nolan – I really admire how he goes about making his films, his conviction and how he shoots each project – from shooting entirely on celluloid, with no major VFX/CGI and being a master of non-linear screenplay writing. I have seen all of his work except his very first film - he is a Director whose work I always forward to.

2. Denis Villeneuve – obviously, Dune is his blockbuster film, but I am a huge fan of his previous work even before he directed that. I admire how he approached the film, the scale and how he visualises a story that is beautiful to see on a big screen.

3. Roger Deakins – not a director but a Cinematographer who is my idol. How he plays with lighting and camera movement is a class apart. He’s a master of his art.

Fifth question

Originally from Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India, you moved to England to study. What do you miss most about your home country?

My family and the food! I’ve been living away from home for quite a while now, but, yes, there is always that sense of a void which cannot be filled really. I always get excited and look forward to going back to visit – the whole week before I just have the anticipation running through my head. Food is one thing I dearly miss - I try to replicate and cook myself in the UK but I have to say, it’s never the same!

Sixth question

You currently live in Manchester. Which football team do you support?

Not the answer you would expect. I support both teams – I love United and want to see them do better and City as well and I love watching KDB, Silva, and Rodri play.

Seventh question

We know you are passionate about videography. In your opinion, what makes a good videographer?

Being open-minded and having less ego, willing to collaborate between different teams and learn from the ones who have more experience and are better skilled. Another one could be just keep practicing the fundamentals of composition, exposure, and lighting whenever you get a chance, there are so many resources out there to get started, if you are passionate, you automatically spend a lot of time doing all these I suppose.

Final Question

You are a huge film buff, what is the best film you have seen in the past year and why?

It has to be Oppenheimer. I was one of those who watched it as Christopher Nolan intended, which was an IMAX 15/70mm presentation on the first day when it was released last year. I don’t want to bore you with what that means but as someone who is into filmmaking, cinematography and celluloid film – it was my Aha! moment and I don’t know if there’s anything that can top that kind of cinematic experience.

First question

Where is one place you would love to travel to and why?

The dream is to get a chance to go back and visit the Schengen countries, backpack, or do a prolonged tour visiting different countries. The one country high on my wish list is Iceland - to experience the Northern lights and the landscapes in that region from what I have seen is beyond beautiful, so getting a chance to photograph that would be amazing.

Third question

You once lived in Lithuania, what was your favourite thing about the country?

Everything was completely new to me when that move happened. I was living in the capital, Vilnius, and enjoyed my time there. The city’s development over the years I was there was amazing to see - the culture and student community were really vibrant. I love the old town in the centre of the city too, it's beautiful, quiet, and so peaceful. The other advantage of living there was that I got to experience all four seasons properly every year.

Fifth question

Originally from Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India, you moved to England to study. What do you miss most about your home country?

My family and the food! I’ve been living away from home for quite a while now, but, yes, there is always that sense of a void which cannot be filled really. I always get excited and look forward to going back to visit – the whole week before I just have the anticipation running through my head. Food is one thing I dearly miss - I try to replicate and cook myself in the UK but I have to say, it’s never the same!

Final Question

You are a huge film buff, what is the best film you have seen in the past year and why?

It has to be Oppenheimer. I was one of those who watched it as Christopher Nolan intended, which was an IMAX 15/70mm presentation on the first day when it was released last year. I don’t want to bore you with what that means but as someone who is into filmmaking, cinematography and celluloid film – it was my Aha! moment and I don’t know if there’s anything that can top that kind of cinematic experience.

Second question

You have a Degree in Engineering and a Master's in Digital Video Production and Marketing, what made you want to change paths?

From early on, I always had a camera with me and it was something I enjoyed doing as a hobby while travelling - taking photographs, printing them etc. When I went to Lithuania for my bachelor's degree, I took my camera with me just as something to have on the side to photograph and create some memories. I then joined a couple of communities and clubs at university and just started spending more time doing it as a freelance in my spare time. The transition to the video side happened naturally. Thanks to YouTube, I could learn a lot from other filmmakers and creators who were a massive influence through the years.

Then Covid happened and I finished my bachelor’s - it was then thinking about what to do next and back of my mind, I really wanted to give this a shot and see how far I could get in this creative industry. It took a while to convince my parents – I’m still not sure they are fully on board with my journey but they have been massively supportive so far, so let’s see where it goes from here.

Fourth question

We see from your social media that you are passionate about film. Who are your top three filmmakers and why?

I love filmmaking and watching new films in the cinema. Also, being born and brought up on a different side of the world, our culture and way of life are quite different. Cinema is huge there – a little like how the British feel about football and music. I am also fortunate to be able to understand and watch films in multiple languages, with my mother tongue being Tamil. In terms of favourite directors, I’ll name the Western ones whose work inspires me:

1. Christopher Nolan – I really admire how he goes about making his films, his conviction and how he shoots each project – from shooting entirely on celluloid, with no major VFX/CGI and being a master of non-linear screenplay writing. I have seen all of his work except his very first film - he is a Director whose work I always forward to.

2. Denis Villeneuve – obviously, Dune is his blockbuster film, but I am a huge fan of his previous work even before he directed that. I admire how he approached the film, the scale and how he visualises a story that is beautiful to see on a big screen.

3. Roger Deakins – not a director but a Cinematographer who is my idol. How he plays with lighting and camera movement is a class apart. He’s a master of his art.

Sixth question

You currently live in Manchester. Which football team do you support?

Not the answer you would expect. I support both teams – I love United and want to see them do better and City as well and I love watching KDB, Silva, and Rodri play.

Seventh question

We know you are passionate about videography. In your opinion, what makes a good videographer?

Being open-minded and having less ego, willing to collaborate between different teams and learn from the ones who have more experience and are better skilled. Another one could be just keep practicing the fundamentals of composition, exposure, and lighting whenever you get a chance, there are so many resources out there to get started, if you are passionate, you automatically spend a lot of time doing all these I suppose.

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