Case Study

Realistic Games Streamer and affiliate consulting

To help evolve Realistic’s brand to align with its new game production strategy

PUBLISHED: 07/08/2024
The combination of SITA’s PR and video services allied with its streamer and affiliate consulting has proved instrumental in Realistic’s recent brand repositioning.

Supporting the studio’s new direction in game development and marketing, SITA continues to produce creative content, both traditional and contemporary for publications across the industry’s leading B2B, B2C platforms and social media.

The Task

Realistic Games is an established name in iGaming, creating a space for itself in the early days of the industry’s rise to prominence.

Having encountered challenges with its identity and product relevance in a fast-moving sector, it set about reinventing itself and the games it brings to market. SITA was tasked with supporting that drive and helping steer its strategy.

The Deliverables

While the campaign could not have been possible without a brand-new roadmap of modern games, released more frequently, SITA’s expertise and experience in the burgeoning streaming and affiliates sectors provided a previously underused path to growth and brand recognition.

SITA used its connections to bring together a collection of Europe’s leading B2C influencers and gathered them at a workshop organised with Realistic.

A full day of research and discussion ensued with all parties, highlighting where Realistic came from, where it was going, and what it needed to do to engage with players and obtain vital feedback.

Since then, each new game release has been supported by a streaming and affiliate strategy, placing games on the right platforms with the right eyes on them to support B2B content.

The traditional PRs and editorials have been bolstered by bespoke video projects, podcast appearances and an elevated use of social media to showcase Realistic’s forward growth.

The work between SITA and Realistic has witnessed recognition in industry awards, entry into new markets and a refreshed look and feel to the entire brand. SITA is proud to have played a part in this success and looks forward to enjoying further growth together as the relationship evolves.

Get in touch!

If you’re a B2B brand that would like to benefit from marketing that goes beyond the traditional and places you and your products firmly in front of the right audience in the right way, let’s talk about:

  • PR, editorials and social content that amplifies your latest updates and commercial growth within industry publications and social media
  • Video content that provides an evergreen and indelible expression of your corporate messaging and tone of voice
  • Streaming and affiliate campaigns that leverage the rising popularity of these sectors and reach players that regular marketing can’t

The Task

Realistic Games is an established name in iGaming, creating a space for itself in the early days of the industry’s rise to prominence.

Having encountered challenges with its identity and product relevance in a fast-moving sector, it set about reinventing itself and the games it brings to market. SITA was tasked with supporting that drive and helping steer its strategy.

The Deliverables

While the campaign could not have been possible without a brand-new roadmap of modern games, released more frequently, SITA’s expertise and experience in the burgeoning streaming and affiliates sectors provided a previously underused path to growth and brand recognition.

SITA used its connections to bring together a collection of Europe’s leading B2C influencers and gathered them at a workshop organised with Realistic.

A full day of research and discussion ensued with all parties, highlighting where Realistic came from, where it was going, and what it needed to do to engage with players and obtain vital feedback.

Since then, each new game release has been supported by a streaming and affiliate strategy, placing games on the right platforms with the right eyes on them to support B2B content.

The traditional PRs and editorials have been bolstered by bespoke video projects, podcast appearances and an elevated use of social media to showcase Realistic’s forward growth.

The work between SITA and Realistic has witnessed recognition in industry awards, entry into new markets and a refreshed look and feel to the entire brand. SITA is proud to have played a part in this success and looks forward to enjoying further growth together as the relationship evolves.

Get in touch!

If you’re a B2B brand that would like to benefit from marketing that goes beyond the traditional and places you and your products firmly in front of the right audience in the right way, let’s talk about:

  • PR, editorials and social content that amplifies your latest updates and commercial growth within industry publications and social media
  • Video content that provides an evergreen and indelible expression of your corporate messaging and tone of voice
  • Streaming and affiliate campaigns that leverage the rising popularity of these sectors and reach players that regular marketing can’t

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